Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Week 7: Where did those rides come from? Ride the Rockies/IM Wisconsin Training

I would like to call this the week of where did those rides come from!  On Monday, my legs were somewhat tired, but I did an easy ride south of town which had a mix of hills and flat areas.  By Tuesday, I was ready to go somewhere different to ride.  I've been all around the routes near Conway and I was looking for some hill repeats.  So what better choice then to head to the front side of Petit Jean for hill repeats!  I've never done repeats on that climb, so I didn't know how they would go.  My goal was to climb up three times.   Here is the link to the Strava segment - http://www.strava.com/segments/2386024.  Each climb would take about 13 minutes, so I knew I was in for a fun afternoon.  I parked out at Petit Jean visitor center and road about 4 miles out to the climb and it was another mile to the bottom.  From there, the climbs began!  The first one went well.  I was feeling good and controlling the pace knowing I still had two more left.  The second was a little struggle, but it could have been in my head.  By the third one, I was ready to tackle the climb and go hard up it.  I pushed hard up the climb and felt great the whole time!  Yeah, I was a little tired by the end, but I had reached my goal!  When I got back to my truck, I was still feeling pretty strong and felt that I could have done a 4th.  I like rides when finish strong and know that you could have gone longer.

My Thursday ride I was planning for a little more mileage.  Knowing that some storms could be moving in the afternoon, I left in the morning.  When I reached around 28 miles, the skies were looking kinda of cloudy, but I thought the storms aren't supposed to be here for a while.  As I approached the Lollie Bottoms and about 10 miles left, the skies were telling me the rain is moving in!  I picked up the pace and thought I could stop and look at the radar on my phone, but nah better to push on.  When I got home, I had just made it by about 10 minutes.  10 minutes later it was pouring down rain and some lighting.

The big ride was planned for Saturday.  I had a couple of choices, but decided to ride with a friend here in town.  The plan was to go 55 miles with the North Loop.  This route starts out with some rolling hills, followed by 2 climbs and more rolling hills to flat to finish.  My idea was to ride with the group for this 55 miles and see how I felt at the end and possibly do some more afterwards.  We would ride together as a group through the flats and rollers, but up the hills one guy would push hard uphill, I mainly stayed back to contain myself and climb within myself.  I finished the 55 feeling pretty good and I knew I could do some more.  I set a goal for 80, knowing I could add the short South Loop.  By the time I finished the 80, I was feeling good and even felt I could have done more again.  I think my key to this 80 mile ride was I keep myself hydrated and feed well.

My running for the week was ok.  I was able to get 13 miles in with a "long" run of 5.  The long run felt ok.  I think the fatigue on my legs was part of the issue, but I was able to get through it.  By Sunday, I went on a 3 mile fast run and felt good, but I was still feeling it a little.  Overall, the runs were ok.

It was another consistent week of swimming.  I say consistent because again I felt ok. I was able to get through the workouts, but I didn't see any breakthroughs this week.  I'm glad though I keep up the work and am being consistent.  I think this will pay off in the long run!

Below was my Friday fun of re-mulching my beds.  I started with one scoop of mulch and realized, I would need at least tow more!  Fun time on Friday!

Week 7 Totals
Bike - 182.9 miles
Run - 13 miles
Swim - 4 miles

Another note, I always enjoy the Strava challenges.  The cycling challenges can be tough to complete because they require a lot of riding!  The most recent one required 1266 km in 40 days.  I was able to complete the challenge on Saturday with 8 days to spare!  May has a couple of tough challenges that will help the focus for training.  The first one is to climb around 7000ft in 4 days.  This could be tough find the climbs.  A few 60 mile routes around Conway will get around 3000 ft of climbing or I could do some hill repeats up Petit Jean or Mt. Magazine to get even more!  The second challenge is to ride 16 hrs in 8 days.  I think that will be tougher than the first because it will require focused riding days and being consistent.  If you miss a day, that means the next days have to be even longer!

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