Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ride the Rockies, Little Rock Half, and updates

Earlier this year, I decided to enter the lottery for Ride the Rockies.  It is a week long bike ride through the Rocky Mts. in Colorado.  Each year the route changes, but always features great landscapes and towns of Colorado.  Well last Friday, I found out that I had received my ticket for an adventure through the mountains!  I also hope this will give me a chance to check out the Colorado area.  It has always been one area that I've wanted to move to for a long time.  I will have the opportunity to go up there early and look around.  I'm excited about this chance I've been given.

 483 miles of fun!

Another quick update - ran the Little Rock half marathon two weekends ago.  The run went about as well as I thought.  Throughout the winter, I had been focusing on more base training than tempo.  I knew I wasn't going to have a PR and my time reflected the base training.  I ran it in 1:44:36.  It's actually my third best time for this race.  I pretty much keep the same pace throughout at around 7:55.  I couldn't go any faster and also felt I didn't need to slow down either.  The race was run in cold wet conditions.  The only issue I experienced was my left achilles was getting tight towards the end.  I attributed that more to running on the wet pavement than anything else.  Overall, I am happy with the race and shows some things I will need to work on between now and Ironman Wisconsin. 

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