Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 4 for Ride the Rockies to Ironman Wisconsin

This was another good week of riding and swimming.  Running was still taking a back seat to the other two.  I was able to get in 3 swims, 4 rides, and 4 runs.  For the first time in a over a month, I went back to the gym to start working on some light strength training.  I went for 20 minutes two days last week.  I focused on the lower body/core one day and then upper body/core the other.  I know I was sore after lifting.  Also, this week for the first time in over 25 days I took a complete day off.  No running, biking, swimming, or strength.  I just relaxed and recovered.

A couple of notable rides this week were hill repeats at Ft. Roots and my Saturday ride.  The hill repeats were the first of the year.  It was nice to be able to work on strength.  Also, you get some good views of Little Rock on the ride up.  The second ride was on Saturday.  I did 45 miles with two friends.  They had never really been north of Conway, so I look them out on a new route and surprised them with a couple of hills.  I don't know if they'll let me pick the route again. After the ride with them, I went down south of Conway for another 22 miles to finish out the day.

Week Totals
Bike - 148 miles
Run - 8.6 miles
Swim - 4.17 miles

I need to focus on getting closer to 10 miles this week.  Also, I'm heading to Mississippi this weekend, so I'll get a lot of riding in between now and the weekend.  My swimming is coming along pretty well.

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