Just a short race report for a short race. This was a 3.8 mile trail run located on the Scout Trail at Burns Park in North Little Rock, AR. The race was supposed to be a 4.2 single loop run, but due to some construction on the upper parts of the trail it turned in a two loop run.
The day started off a little cool around 45 degrees but by race time the temperature had warmed into the upper 50's and sunny. We were informed that the trail did contain some muddy spots which would make for an interesting race. I decided that I would be conservative on the first loop and then run harder on the second after learning the course. The first mile of the course was pretty much a very large uphill before heading back into the flats that were muddy. The hard part about the flat muddy section is that had some switchbacks and turns that if you were not paying attention you would fall flat on your face. I went through the first loop feeling pretty good. I continued to take it a little easy until I got to the top of the hill and then I turned it on on the last section of flats. I almost busted on one turn. I decided not to turn to quickly when I realized I was going to fast into a turn. I ended up with a time of 30:45 which was good for 3rd in my AG, but it was small race with 37 runners. Looking at my splits from the 310xt show, 1 mile @ 8:20 min/mile which was most of the uphill, 2 mile @ 7:45 min/mile mainly flat, 3 mile @ 8:35 min/mile back uphill, and final .8 mile was 7:23 min/mile, flat.
Again, I thought this was a great race put on my DLT Events. I would hope that more runners in the future take advantage of these races. The other great thing about small races is you have a better chance of winning door prizes at the end of the race. I didn't this time, but you never know for the future.
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