Sometime around Jan. 2006, I was at the doctors office with the flu when he came in and mentioned that I had high blood pressure. He said that you should come back in over the next couple of weeks and get it checked quickly and see if this is something that will need medication or not. At that time, I decided that I would get back into shape. I was probably a little overweight for my height and frame also at 166. Even a girl that I was seeing at the time mentioned that I was getting a little fat. Below is the journey of 5 years. A quick summary is 5 years later I'm still continuing on my journey, lost 30 lbs, achieved my 2nd degree black belt, completed 3 marathons, 3 half ironmans, numerous triathlons, and other running races.
The opportunity at that time to get back in shape came with martial arts. I knew someone that had started a class at Conway Regional once a week and at that time I decided to attempt to get back into marital arts. I had taken taekwondo until I was 18 and then quit when I went to college. Now at the age of 25, I was getting back into the action.
Throughout 2006, I really was just involved in martial arts with some other workouts here and there, but my interest in running grew when I saw my dad complete the 2006 NYC marathon. After watching him complete the marathon, I would register for the 2007 NYC marathon. As luck would have it, I got the lottery entry.
In 2007, I began my training for the marathon and on NYC completed the NYC in 4:45 minutes. My interest in fitness began to grow even more in 2007 with my first attempts at a training log. You read in various articles that is good to keep a long and in 2007 the log began. The log is mainly filled with just miles run and hours trained. There is still no biking in the picture yet! The 2007 log shows 168 hrs of training and 327 miles of running from June to December.
2008 brought along my second marathon in NYC which was completed in 4:25 minutes and the purchase of my first bike. I purchased a Specialized Allez Elite. I purchased the bike in March but with work travel and just not riding I only rode 225 miles that year. The funny thing about this year was that I actually ran my first 5k in August. I also began to swim in 2008. The idea of completing a triathlon began. 2008 brought 244 hrs of training, 608 miles of running, 225 miles biking, and even 11 miles of swimming. During 2008, I also tested for my Black Belt in taekwondo in February and then tested for my 1st degree in October. After 2.5 years of taking taekwondo, I had finally achieved my black belt. Of course, I still have much more to learn and will continue to advance.
It's 2009 and it's time to Tri! In 2009, I began to pursue triathlons. I had a new position at work which didn't require travel and so my adventure in triathlons began! My first triathlon was in Texarkana at the Four States triathlon. It was adventure on the swim with a slight panic at the start but I pushed through and finished. I knew at that point I wanted to do more. In 2009, I completed 5 triathlons (3 sprint and 2 international distance). In December, I committed to the 70.3 in New Orleans also. Also, in 2009, after 4 years of teaching in taekwondo, I finally completed the required 120 hrs to be certified instructor. I also achieved my 2nd degree black belt in August. In 2009, I trained 356 hrs, ran 447, biked 1641, and swam 73.
2010 is the year of the 70.3 distance. I completed my first half ironman in New Orleans. I think I found the distance that I love. It's a challenge and you can push yourself to the edge. I also completed one in Lubbock and here in Conway. I also set a PR in the marathon in Memphis in December. I ran a 3:55! This was my first marathon in 2 years. I love the challenge of the marathon and the effort it takes to push through your own limits to complete.
I think every year I grow a little more and continue to learn and will continue the journey. There is no end to this journey. It will continue on for a long time to come.